
Innovative developer-led

EngageHub represents one of the most extensive and forward-thinking investments in public participation in Calgary’s history.

Purpose-built as the centerpiece of the developer-led engagement effort for the West District Master Plan, the $1.5 million EngageHub facility was designed and constructed to reflect the principles of openness, creativity and dialogue.

Foregoing the ‘eleventh hour’ approach and associated siege mentality that often characterizes developer-led public engagement, EngageHub facilitated the engagement conversation in the most effective and participant-centric way possible.

Over a period of seven-months, 130 hours, and across six phases of engagement, the facility – a large open space with meeting tables, an interactive projection screen, information panels, and 3D physical model – hosted a consistent cast of project team members on-hand to answer questions, respond to concerns, and gather input about the project. Connecting with the community early and positioning the public as a key player in the iterative design of planning concepts, EngageHub provided a vital consistency in the engagement process which served to shape and improve the West District concept and cultivated support from the broader community.




Calgary, AB

Engagement Completed (2014)


Intelligent Futures
S2 Architecture


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